Bridal Gallery
Event Glam Gallery
Certified Professional Makeup Artist
Bridal | Soft-Glams | Full-Glams
Based in Silver Spring, MD
Travel & Home Studio Appointments Available
After exploring
my services page,
please submit an inquiry.
I will then follow up via email within 24hrs.
For my brides, I will provide a quote & contract for completion.
Once you are confirmed via email, you will be instructed to kindly pay a deposit to secure your appointment.
Please send your deposit via:
ZELLE (240) 421-1473
VENMO @Gisselle_Ruby
For bridal services, a custom deposit will described in contract.
After your deposit has been received, your appointment approval notification will be sent to you.
I will be in touch leading up to our beyouty date for skin prep tips and send a brief questionnaire.
For bridal services, upon receiving the signed contract and deposit, you're all set! Now you can check off "book & secure glam" from your wedding checklist :) ! I'll be checking in with skin prep tips and questionnaires for you and your bridal party.
What Beyouty Babes are Saying...
Have questions?
Ask away future Beyouty Babe..
Studio located in Burtonsville, MD 20866
(240) 421-1473